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Home ADC Programs Mentoring


ADC Prevention Services and Associates in collaboration with the Springfield Housing Authority is proposing to implement a comprehensive mentoring program that is specifically targeted toward young men, but includes a special enhancement component directed at females. The program seeks to motivate youth to stay in school and seek educational opportunities via vocational training as well as post-secondary education. The program is aimed at the most at-risk youth within the housing authority. This includes developing linkages with local businesses and community leaders to assist in motivating these individuals to the importance of becoming contributing members of our Society.

The program is designed with culturally consistent intervention and prevention strategies to assist youth in dealing with unresolved issues that impact negatively in their lives such as, gangs, gangs related behavior, teenage pregnancies, truancy, domestic violence, alcohol and drugs. The program forces each individual to look at his or her lives and to become more focused and goal-directed. The program involves specific concrete steps on improving the quality of their lives of each individual youth through reflection, group interaction and goal setting as they look at;

Program Description: 

The ADC Mentoring Programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual youth. ADC does a thorough job of identifying and recruiting quality mentors, professional business owners and community residents who are committed to working with youth. The program utilizes lectures, group exercises, field trips and an assortment of various supplemental materials.

1. Resolving issues unresolved in previous states related to personal, social and educationally, that impact negatively in their lives and/or prevents them from being successful in school.

2. Accomplish critical tasks of the present stage related to personal, social and educationally, that will increase their chances of overcoming obstacles to their success.

3. Prepare for the next stage through daily/weekly goals and continued monitoring and follow up by the Mentors.

The objectives of the program are aimed at developing each individual’s self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline, that will motivate each youth to begin developing personal and educational goals that will lead to success in their lives.